Submitting to Owlet Press
We are currently publishing between 10 and 15 inclusive children's books per year. As we grow, we are now receiving more submissions than ever - almost 10 a day!
Our picture book list is nearly full, so we're really keen to see graphic novels and chapter books from a variety of diverse creators.
As a small business it is so hard to give each one the time it deserves so we've made a plan:
Email your submissions to with 'submission - title - author name' in the subject line.
Attach your manuscript (if you're an author don't worry about illustrations please - we'll do that bit) and then give us 50 words about your book and another 100 about you as an author.
Author-illustrators of picture books and graphic novels please share PDFs of your stories and wider portfolios.
Unfortunately we can no longer reply to every email with advice or even to confirm receipt, but if we like your manuscript or idea, then we'll get in touch ASAP.
Thanks! Owlet Press x